Pumpkin & Flax Seasoning Blend

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A seed seasoning blend that supports your hormone health. This blend is created for the follicular phase, the first half of your menstrual cycle. It is full of super seeds and herbs that have been shown to support your body in naturally modulating sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Balancing these hormones can help minimize PMS symptoms and support balance in your body.

This blend is packed with ingredients like nettle leaf and sea kelp that help your body replenish nutrients lost during your period. It also includes pumpkin seeds - heavy in magnesium and zinc - along with freshly ground flax seeds that help facilitate the elimination of excess estrogen. We add in high quality dried garlic, onion and sea salt to make the blends delicious and an easy add to your day-to-day routine.

What's inside?

~ Pumpkin seeds

~ Flax seeds

~ Dried garlic & onion

~ Dried nettle leaf

~ Sea kelp (kombu)

~ Sea salt

How do I use it?

Just sprinkle about a tablespoon on top of any of your savory dishes once or twice a day. Eggs, toast, soup, salad, bowls, roasted veggies...we've yet to find something they don't taste good on. For optimal support, use from the first day of your cycle when you start your period through ovulation (~14 of your cycle), and then switch to our Sunflower & Sesame Seasoning Blend for your luteal phase. 

Want to use this blend all month? No problem. This blend is packed with gentle and natural ingredients that are beneficial for gut health, supply key micronutrients and taste great no matter your gender, stage of life or time of the month.


Each jar or pouch contains about 14 tablespoons of super seeds for happy hormones.